Position Details for the September 7th, Meeting



It shall be the duty of the President to:

  1. Preside over all Executive Board and General Membership Meetings, which shall be provided for in Section 11; to preserve order and enforce the Constitution an the By-laws; to see that all Officers perform their respective duties; appoint all committees acting on the behalf of the Local not otherwise provided for; act as Chief Executive Officer of the Local; and shall be an exofficio member of all committees which act on behalf of the Local.
  2. Decide all questions of order; subject to an appeal by a Member of the Union, but he/she shall not vote on such an appeal; announce the results of all votes and enforce all fines and penalties and shall have power to call Special Meetings when requested by the Executive Board or twenty (20) Members in writing.
  3. Sign all orders on the Treasury for such monies as shall, by the Constitution and By-Laws or by vote of the Union, be ordered paid; sign all cheques and drafts on the bank, and perform such other duties as the Constitution and By-Laws of the Union may require.
  4. The President shall be allowed monthly funds necessary to reimburse himself/herself or any Officer for expenses incurred on behalf of the Union; He/she must submit signed vouchers, indicating the purpose of expenses, and such amounts are subject to the approval of the executive board. Such accounts approved in the regular manner shall be included with the bills presented to the membership at the General Membership Meeting immediately following reimbursement.
  5. The President shall have the authority to interpret these bylaws. Interpretation shall be fair and will ensure the intent and objectives of these Bylaws, subject to National Constitution.
  6. The President is to receive four (4) paid days off per month to perform Union business. This time to be paid by the Local Union unless paid for by an Employer.
  7. The President’s duties shall include negotiations and stewarding in his/her home unit if so offered by the unit chair and accepted by the President. Furthermore, the duties of the President shall include negotiations and stewarding in all other units if so requested by the unit chair and if the President can secure a union leave from his/her employer.
  8. In the event of a unit chair vacancy, the duties of the President, or his/her designate, shall include that of unit chair until the vacancy is filled in accordance with these by-laws.



It shall be the duty of the Vice-President to:

  1. In the absence of the President, to preside and perform the duties pertaining to the Office of President.
  2. Render such assistance to the President as may be required, and in the case of a vacancy in the Office of President, will act as President until the Union elects a President to fill the vacancy.
  3. To be responsible for the co-ordination of issues between all bargaining units of the Local.
  4. Be a co-signatory on the Treasury,
  5. The Vice-President’s duties shall include negotiations and stewarding in his/her home unit if so offered by the unit chair and accepted by the Vice-President. The duties of the Vice-President shall include negotiations in all other units if so requested by the unit chair and if the Vice-President can secure a union leave from his/her employer and if the President is unable to attend. The duties of the Vice-President shall include stewarding in all other units if so requested by the unit chair and if the Vice-President can secure a union leave from his/her employer and if the President and the Chief Steward are unable to attend.



It shall be the duty of the Recording Secretary to:

  1. Keep full, accurate, and impartial account of the proceedings of all regular or special membership and Executive Board meetings. These records must also include a copy of the full financial report (Executive Board meetings) and the written financial report (membership meetings) presented by the Secretary-Treasurer.  The record will also include Trustees’ reports.
  2. Keep full and accurate accounts of the proceedings of all meetings; record all Motions, with the mover and seconder’s name, in the record or minute book of the Union; record all alterations in the Rules and By-laws by Motion or Amendment; fulfill such other recording duties designated by the President.
  3. Receive and answer all correspondence subject to executive board approval and file a copy of all letters sent out; sign all orders for payment; prepare and issue circulars and notices for issuance to the Membership in conjunction with the Public Relations Officer in sufficient time to permit their attendance.
  4. Have all books, papers, etc., ready all times upon reasonable notice, for the Auditors or Trustees.
  5. The Recording Secretary is to receive one and a half (1.5) paid days off per month to perform Union business. This time to be paid by the Local Union unless paid for by an Employer.
  6. After an election, make and forward a complete list of the duly elected representatives of the Local and appropriate unit to the Human Resources department of the appropriate administration, a copy of which is to be sent to the CUPE staff representative, CUPE Ontario Division, the National Office of CUPE and all other affiliates.
  7. On termination of office shall immediately surrender all properties, assets, funds and all records of the Local Union, including electronic records and spreadsheets, to the Local at the end of their term of office.
  8. To be responsible for making the Executive membership aware of any information of an educational nature that might assist a member’s Union Awareness. Recording Secretary shall undertake the job of making the arrangements for schools, seminars, conventions, conferences, etc.



It shall be the duty of the Secretary Treasurer to:

  1. Receive all Initiation Fees, Dues and Assessments, and shall keep a record of each member’s payment.
  2. Sign all cheques and ensure that the Local Union’s funds are used only as authorized or directed by the CUPE Constitution, Local Union bylaws, or vote of the membership. In consultation with the Executive Board, designate a signing officer during prolonged absences.


  1. Within every fifteen (15) days, deposit all monies in a Bank and/or Credit Union of the Union’s choice, and receive a receipt for same.
  2. Prepare necessary per capita tax forms and remit payment by the last day of the following month unless direct remittance to the National Union is utilized.
  3. The Secretary-Treasurer is to receive two (2) paid days off per month to perform Union business. This time to be paid by the Local Union unless paid for by an Employer.
  4. Not later than February 28th of each year, for the purpose of Income Tax deductions, furnish each member with a statement, supplied by the Union, showing the amount of dues paid by him during the preceding calendar year unless otherwise provided by the employer.
  5. Make all books available for inspection by the Trustees and/or auditors on reasonable notice. Ensure that the books are audited at least once each calendar year and within a reasonable time, respond in writing to any recommendations and concerns raised by the Trustees.  The books shall be audited semi-annually and the Treasury Officer shall prepare audit reports in conjunction with the auditing committee on the standard forms supplied by CUPE.


  1. Pay no monies except on vouchers duly signed by two signatories of the Local. No voucher shall be required for payments of per capita to any organization to which this Union is affiliated.
  2. Immediately notify all employers in writing of any changes to the Union Dues rate.
  3. Shall keep all financial accounts of the Local and shall maintain correct and proper count of its members and make full financial reports at all Executive Meetings on a monthly basis and make a written financial report to each regular membership meeting, detailing all income and expenditures for the period.
  4. Shall, on behalf of the Membership, be responsible for maintaining, organizing, safeguarding and keeping on file all supporting documents, authorizations, invoices and/or vouchers for every disbursement made, receipts for all money sent to CUPE headquarters as well as records and supporting documentation for all income received by the Local Union.
  5. Shall make application for bonding on behalf of each officer of this Local as prescribed by these bylaws unless otherwise provide by CUPE National. Such application shall be made within 30 (thirty) days of election to a position and in an amount prescribed by these bylaws. The Treasurer shall immediately notify the President, or, if the President is a member who cannot be bonded, the Vice-President, of any officer(s) not eligible for bonding. As per Article 9 (D), this member will be immediately disqualified from office and the Local Union shall proceed with an election of a new officer. Proof of bonding shall be presented to the General Membership upon receipt.
  6. On termination of office shall immediately surrender all properties, assets, funds and all records of the Local Union, including electronic records and spreadsheets, to the Local at the end of their term of office.
  7. In conjunction with the Trustees, prepare, submit and provide rationale for a proposed annual budget at the January Membership Meeting. The budget shall be amended or accepted by majority vote at the January membership meeting.



NOTE: “UNIT”, for the purpose of these By-laws, shall be deemed to be a group of employees covered by a single CUPE collective agreement with an Employer with the intent that collective bargaining takes place and affects only those employees, or, two or more distinct groups of employees covered by a corresponding number of distinct CUPE collective agreements with a single Employer with the intent that collective bargaining takes place under the authority of a single Bargaining Committee and affects only those employees.

It shall be the duty of the Chairpersons of the respective Units of the Local to:

  1. Arrange all necessary and authorized meetings and an annual meeting of their Units.
  2. Make such financial arrangements with the Executive Board as may be deemed necessary prior to arranging such meetings, so that the Treasury Officer of the Union may have direction in paying the expenses incurred as a result of such meetings.
  3. Assign a designate Steward to act as Unit Chair in the event of a scheduled absence, such as vacation, or extended leave, for up to three (3) months, when a byelection will be held. Unit Chair to notify the Executive Members of a prolonged absence.
  4. Appoint all shop stewards and special committees as outlined in the agreements of their respective Units, and report these special appointments to the Executive Board.
  5. The duties of the Unit Chairpersons shall include stewarding and negotiations.
  6. Provide the Chief Steward with a copy of the collective agreement(s) for that unit as soon as it is made available to the Unit following signing and publication and a copy of all subsequent amendments negotiated during the duration of the collective agreement(s). Provide a copy of all grievances, when filed.
  7. No Unit Chairperson shall enter into any form of negotiation with any employer except in the presence of the CUPE National Representative.
  8. Each Unit Chairperson must be employed within the Unit for which they preside.
  9. Book union leave as needed to deal with day to day union business; or to book union leave as needed to prepare for arbitration, mediation and negotiations, when meeting with the National CUPE Representative.
  10. Make a complete list of Unit Stewards, and make a copy available to the Recording Secretary.




It shall be the duty of the Chief Steward to:

  1. Arrange all meetings of the Local Grievance Committee; to chair such meetings and make a report of such meetings to the Executive Board.
  2. Appoint a member of the Grievance Committee to act on his behalf as Chief Steward when he is absent for any reason.
  3. See that a representative of the Local Grievance Committee and/or a CUPE Representative is available to assist in processing grievances whenever the Chief Steward and Chief Unit Steward deem if necessary.
  4. Assign a designate to act as Chief Steward in the event of a scheduled absence, such as vacation, or extended leave. Chief Steward to notify the Executive Members of a prolonged absence.
  5. Conduct Local Grievance Committee meetings as required and to chair such meetings.
  6. Be conversant with the Collective Agreements of the respective Units, and shall require a copy of the latest agreements, amendments and up-to-date seniority lists of each Unit from the appropriate Unit Chair.
  7. Be available to both Union and Management as is reasonable and allowable.
  8. Be directly responsible to the Executive Board.
  9. Make a complete list of Unit Stewards, and make a copy available to the Recording Officer.
  10. Maintain a proper filing system for grievances and Collective Agreements at the Union office.
  11. The Chief Steward’s duties shall include negotiations and stewarding in his/her home unit if so offered by the unit chair and accepted by the Chief Steward. The duties of the Chief Steward shall include stewarding in all other units if so requested by the unit chair and if the Chief Steward can secure a union leave from his/her employer and if the President is unable to attend. The duties of the Chief Steward shall include negotiations in all other units if so requested by the unit chair and if the Chief Steward can secure a union leave from his/her employer and if the President and the Vice-President are unable to attend.


  Membership Officer

It shall be the duty of the Sergeant-at-Arms to:

  1. Take up his/her position at the inner door of the meeting place and examine all present at regular and special meetings of the Local and allow none to remain on the floor who are not members in good standing, CUPE National Representatives or approved guests of the Local.
  2. Obtain the names of those awaiting Initiation and report such names to the President who will introduce the Candidates through the Initiation Ceremony.
  3. Keep a record of attendance at each regular or special meeting of the Local and, when required, enforce the showing of Union Cards or other identification at the door.
  4. Shall assist the Presiding Chair at all times in conducting an orderly meeting and shall expel any person from the meeting when so directed by the Presiding Chair.
  5. Report to the Executive Board, any member who has failed to keep his or her obligation.
  6. Shall be empowered, when requested by an incoming Officer, to contact the outgoing Officer and to recover all Union property.
  7. Perform such other duties as may, from time to time, be assigned by the President.



The duties of this office shall consist of:

  1. Preparing news releases for social media platforms, radio station, CUPE Journal and Ontario Division News, the highlights of the general meetings with the approval of the President or designate.
  2. Promoting good relations with employers and the public.
  3. Assisting the Recording Secretary  in preparing bulletins and attractive meeting notices, and generally promoting good attendance at meetings.
  4. The election for the office of Public Relations Officer shall take place at the same time as the annual election of officers of the Local.
  5. Chair the public relations committee and report back to the Executive Board on activities.


  Union Stewards

It shall be the duty of the Union Stewards to:


  1. Investigate, write, and present possible grievances to the Unit Chair on behalf of members.
  2. Handle member-to-member conflict.
  3. Help to solve problems outside the grievance procedure.
  4. Ensure good communication between the members and the executive.
  5. Educate members about the collective agreement, and about the union’s role in the workplace.
  6. Mobilize members to support the union’s role in bargaining, to attend public rallies, etc.
  7. Help a member get accommodation or return to work after an injury or illness.
  8. To attend Executive Meetings on behalf of the Unit Chair.
  9. To attend all necessary and authorized meetings, and an Annual meeting of their units.




  1. It shall be the duty of the Trustees to act as an auditing committee on behalf of the Membership. They shall audit all books and accounts of the Secretary-Treasurer, the Recording Secretary and Standing Committees at least once (1) per calendar year, and shall report in writing to the next regular meeting of the Union following the end of each half year; specifically January and July.
  2. The Trustees shall inspect at least once a year any stocks, bonds, securities, office furniture and equipment, and titles or deeds to property that may at any time be owned by the Local.
  3. The Trustees shall make a written report of their findings to the first Membership meeting following completion of each audit;
  4. The Trustees shall submit in writing to the President and Secretary-Treasurer any recommendation and/or concerns they feel should be reviewed in order to ensure that the Local’s funds, records and accounts are being properly maintained by the Secretary-Treasurer in an organized, correct and proper manner.
  5. The Trustees shall be responsible to ensure that monies are not paid out without proper constitutional or Membership authorization.
  6. The Trustees shall ensure that proper financial reports are made to the Membership.
  7. The Trustees shall audit the record of attendance.
  8. The Trustees shall send a copy of the completed audit report (on the prescribed form provided by the National Secretary-Treasurer) as well as a copy of their report to the Local Union Membership along with a copy of their recommendations and/or concerns to the President and Secretary-Treasurer and the Secretary-Treasurer’s response, to the National Secretary-Treasurer of the Canadian Union of Public Employees, with a copy to the assigned servicing representative(s).